Corporate Culture

Corporate Culture

Welbon Vision

Develop the company and give back to the society. 

To provide a variety of pulp and special paper with stable quality as its responsibility. 

To build the brand of "Welbon" with the development idea of specialization and refinement.

Welbon Mission
Committed to enhancing value for customers.
Committed to creating opportunities for employees.
Committed to adding benefits to society.
Seeking the harmonious development of employees, enterprises and society.

Welbon Spirit

Core Values
Be a man first, before do things, and do a good job.
Employees are the greatest wealth of Welbon.
Team growth is the greatest achievement of Welbon.
Going beyond and keeping innovation is the pursuit of Welbon forever.

Business Philosophy

No matter the world is good or bad, we will never give up.

No matter the market ebbs and flows, we work together for a win-win situation.

No matter the ups and downs of customer confusion, we are in the same boat.

No matter how easy or difficult the service is, we go all out.

Service Philosophy
Service is not just about solving product problems.
It's about maintaining the mood and heart of our customers.
We provide more in-depth and detailed services.
To make customers feel at ease and moved.
Our customers' needs are always the cause of our full commitment.