

  • 1993

    Establish Welbon Trading Co., Ltd. with registered capital of 1 million RMB

  • 1998

    Change name in to Zhejiang Welbon Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd

  • 2002

    Extend to downstream – special paper industry by establish Anhui Winbon Specialty Paper Co., Ltd

  • 2003

    Establish Zhejiang Winbon Specialty Paper Co., Ltd.

    Establish Anqing Winbon Specialty Paper Co., Ltd.

  • 2004

    Establish Welbon Gaosen Paper Co., Ltd. 

    Establish Welbon Group, including five subsidiaries.

  • 2016

    Change name of Welbon Gaosen to Welbon Specialty Paper Co., Ltd and IPO.

  • 2017

    Establish Sino-German joint venture, Winbon Schoeller New Materials Co., Ltd. with registered capital of 570 million RMB

  • 2018

    Acquire Zhejiang Grandrich New Materials Co., Ltd. and change name to Winbon Technocell New Materials Co., Ltd.

  • 2019

    Increase the registered capital of Welbon Group to 180 million RMB.

    PM9 prorject with 75000 Mt capacity running in LY2 mill.