Message from the President

Message from the President

Welbon has traversed a tempestuous journey for more than twenty-nine years. After a challenging startup from scratch, the company has grown from small to large and from weak to strong, and is moving steadfastly towards the goal of sustainable development.

For the past twenty-nine years, Welbon has always upheld the corporate mission of "growing the enterprise and giving back to society, taking responsibility for providing a range of pulp and special paper with consistent quality, and fostering the vision of "Welbon" with a development philosophy of specialization and refinement. We strive for the harmonious development of our staff, enterprise, and society by committing to enhancing customer value, creating opportunities for employees, and adding benefits to society."

The growth of Welbon is inseparable from the hard work of all Welbon personnel and the unwavering support of friends and partners. We are grateful to have you along for the ride, accompanying Welbon's growth!

Today, Welbon remains on the road of entrepreneurship. We sincerely desire to continue traveling alongside both old and new friends, seeking common development and creating brilliance!

Shunhu Xu

President & General Manager